We live in the most medicated, addicted, in debt, and obese culture in our history.

                                                           -Brene Brown


Culturally, we gravely sense that something is amiss.  Cultural uncertainty and division grows.  One needs only to walk a single city block to see tension, hurt, struggle, addiction, isolation, consumerism, fear or homelessness. 

  • Statistically, younger generations are increasingly more depressed and disconnected.

  • 91% of adults and 76% of practicing Christians believe that the best way to find oneself is to look within yourself.

  • 84% of adults and 67% of practicing Christians believe that the highest goal in life is to enjoy it as much as possible.

  • Nearly half of all American adults classify as “post-Christian,” meaning that Christ-centered identity, beliefs and practice do not inform their daily lives.

  • Statistically, a majority of individuals who identify as Christian do not think and act in a manner consistent with Christ!

For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.
— Jesus {Mark 8:35}

We live in an increasingly complex cultural and social landscape.  Overall, the Church is not prepared to navigate these challenges, let alone respond to them in transformational ways.  The Church struggles to obey Christ’s directive to make disciples and to teach them to obey all He commanded.  We want to combat the brokenness, disconnection and hopelessness so evident in our communities.  If the Church desires to cultivate hope and affect culture, we need to begin by creating connection and fostering authenticity.  We need to become a trustworthy, committed, effective people.  

The Hesed Project exists to foster Christ-like individuals and communities that share God’s overflowing, benevolent love with the world in tangible, helpful and influential ways.  We equip individuals to be The Church and prepare them to meaningfully and effectively share Christ’s love in a wide variety of contexts.   


Current Projects

We train and raise up leaders and then release them as contributors. Our Regional Director and Advanced Apprentice, disciple and serve youth in crisis in partnership with the Denver Street School. Through intentional relational investment and by cre…

We train and raise up leaders and then release them as contributors. Our Regional Director and Advanced Apprentice, disciple and serve youth in crisis in partnership with the Denver Street School. Through intentional relational investment and by creating a community of belonging, we offer practical support and help these young people become productive, wholehearted, Christ-following adults.

We foster discipleship communities where individuals experience God's Hesed and learn to emulate Jesus in the context of daily living and relationships. In August 2018, a cohort of six to eight Apprentices will begin a year-long discipleship immersi…

We foster discipleship communities where individuals experience God's Hesed and learn to emulate Jesus in the context of daily living and relationships. In August 2018, a cohort of six to eight Apprentices will begin a year-long discipleship immersion. Through intensive teaching, intentional relationships, and meaningful praxis, these individuals will learn how to follow Christ, disciple others, serve effectively and live transformationally.

We teach and prepare individuals to live missionally, to disciple others and to creatively serve their communities. In Northwest Colorado, we engage with the local Church by gathering and equipping individuals and families through Bible study, praye…

We teach and prepare individuals to live missionally, to disciple others and to creatively serve their communities. In Northwest Colorado, we engage with the local Church by gathering and equipping individuals and families through Bible study, prayer, life rhythms, shared tables, committed relationships and authentic living.

We provide spiritual direction, soul care, and addiction recovery for individuals who desire to live with purpose, share their giftedness, and over come unhealthy dependency . We help individuals identify and practice utilizing their capabilities and offer pertinent guidance as they discover how to exemplify God's abundant love. Through meaningful conversations, intercessory prayer, and intentional listening, we support followers in their journey of faith. We currently offer weekly or bi-monthly appointments in Steamboat Springs and Denver, Colorado.

We provide spiritual direction, soul care, and addiction recovery for individuals who desire to live with purpose, share their giftedness, and over come unhealthy dependency . We help individuals identify and practice utilizing their capabilities and offer pertinent guidance as they discover how to exemplify God's abundant love. Through meaningful conversations, intercessory prayer, and intentional listening, we support followers in their journey of faith. We currently offer weekly or bi-monthly appointments in Steamboat Springs and Denver, Colorado.

We utilize adventure and experiential learning to help individuals discover Jesus' benevolent affection for them and how they can participate in His unfolding story.  We have led groups on adventures and Service-Learning Excursions in Colorado, remo…

We utilize adventure and experiential learning to help individuals discover Jesus' benevolent affection for them and how they can participate in His unfolding story. We have led groups on adventures and Service-Learning Excursions in Colorado, remote Alaska, Jordan, South America.